20 Mar Autumn Garden Tips
Autumn is a great time to be in the garden and we have some great autumn garden tips to ensure your garden and lawns are ready for the new season! Hopefully the extreme heat has gone and it is a much better temperature for your lawn and garden to flourish.
The soil still has some summer warmth making autumn a great time to plant or fertilise before winter kicks in and the growth slows with the colder weather.
To ensure your garden is ready for the new season, here are our autumn garden tips:
Tip one for autumn – Re-apply mulch.
If you have mulched at the start of spring you are probably due for a light top up. This doesn’t have to be a large or expensive job, it really is a light mulch dressing to ensure the garden is ready for winter. If you are unsure what or how much to spread the team at Casey Garden Services can help with this project and it can all be over and done within a couple of hours.
Tip two – Fertilise now.
The heavier rains are about due to start, so put some fertiliser on your lawns and garden beds to make good use of the wetter weather. We can bring the fertiliser and apply if for you. This will make sure the lawns are green and the plants are happy and healthy going into the wet season. If your lawns are full of broad leaf weeds we can also herbicide these first, really clearing the way for your lawn to be established over winter and ready for next spring.
Tip three – Get some pruning and hedging done while you can outside.
A really good tip, however, it may be best to wait for the second half of autumn before applying this tip to make sure the extreme heat days are gone. The pittosporum hedges are so much easier to maintain than to repair once over grown. Call in the experts at Casey Garden Services and we can quote your hedging needs.
Tip four – Start planting bulb plants.
If you are working with a garden bed that has bulb plants now is the time to thinking about planting. This gives the bulb some warm soil to establish, and allows the plant to be ready to flourish by next spring.
Tip five – Establish an action plan over the winter months.
Winter is not a time to neglect your lawns and gardens. Whilst the mowing frequency is less often, that doesn’t mean you can ignore your garden completely. It is much easier to have that fantastic garden and lawn in spring if you maintain it well over winter. So, call in the team at Casey Garden Services to plan out your strategy, mowing frequency, fertilising requirements etc, you will be very glad you did.
Did you like these autumn garden tips? Check out our 2020 autumn garden tips as well!
Want to get more autumn garden tips and a quote for Casey Garden Services to take care of your lawns and garden? Contact Shane: 0419 905 534 or Rohan: 0438 585 051
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